Monday 13 February 2017

In The Summer Holidays

In the holidays.
I stayed at home with my family for Christmas and New Years. Me and my dad started to make dinner and my rest of my family and Uncle who came all the way from Tonga stay with us for Christmas and New Years went to church while me and my dad started making Christmas dinner. Around 4:00 Pm. We started opening our gifts from each other because my sister have to go to work in the morning.  For Christmas I got an cute donut book with a lot of pencils and a lot of cookies from my older sister name Nia, me and my brother got this big swimming pool from my oldest brother, a lot of chocolates from my oldest sister, a new phone from my family! And I got a new teddy bear name Bear bear from my dad. On New Year night. Nia and my little brother name Paul, my dad and I want to the city for the countdown near the Sky Tower. It was my sister, brother and I first time going and it was really awesome! Around ten o’clock at night. I wrote a letter to myself and my new year resolution. Every year around night time. I always write an letter to myself and ask question about how is life, remind myself to help out with my family, my friends or anyone! And say motivation words to myself. I started writing these letters since 2015 and always write them every year. I and always write them on my phone, my older sister name Rita laptop or a book that I find. On the last day of the school holiday. My older sister, her friends and I went to the Beach, When we all got there, we started walking on this platform. We didn’t want to go in the water yet because it was cold. Rita then said I should jump of the platform near the water. So I did! I then ended up have to go the doctors with my sister and my dad because I had this really big cut behind my back of my foot. The doctor say that I have to wear this bandage around my cut for two weeks and take these pills to make my cut better. Two weeks has past and I still have my cut behind my back feet but? At least I don’t have to wear a bandage.
Anyways! I had an crazy yet amazing holiday!

File:Steg-Kharamana-Hotel- Caitlinator Writing.... Doctor's Office, ...

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