Monday 27 February 2017

Let's Play Touch Rugby!

On Monday the February of 20th.
My class and I went to Mount Richmond Satellite class at Papatoetoe Intermediate.
We were invited to play Touch Rugby with the students from Mount Richmond.
We also had Lionel class and Kate from EW2 and Andrew from EW3 came with us as well.
We went there by the big and flash Toyota van.
While driving there I talked to my friends and sing some songs that I know from the Radio.
We then made it and had our Morning Tea. We then started playing with the students from Mount Richmond. While playing Touch Rugby I got a point for my team!
Really proud of myself!
Later on I watched everyone play while talking to my friends Natasha and Julia.
We then had an break under this really big tree and had our bottle of water.
We then played one last time.
I didn’t played because I was looking after my friend Lauren from Lionel class who tripped over while playing. After playing Touch Rugby we were told that we won the game.
We was so proud and we also said thank you to John who made this happen!
We went back to our classroom and had our lunch outside.
We all were so exhausted yet we all had fun!

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